0Shiny0 Posts Stuff

dumb things. like... really, really dumb things.


d a m n s o n


people who blame nintendo for stupid things are just stupid. it's kinda like... someone makes a cake for everyone, one person eats all the cake, even though the baker said to share it with everyone, or the cake is taking a while to bake, a…


This Day

today’s the day a bunch of prepubescent children send thousands of emails to a company whom is making free, downloadable software for them, to complain about the FREE program not being out yet, because a fake facebook fan page told them it…

You Know What's Stupid About Stupid People?

people who blow off their stupid mistake that you point out, and they just focus on a word you used. like, if it's misspelled or if it's a typo. it just goes to show where their minds are and that they're not proving how smart or how "righ…

"Sort of a Big Deal"

i actually have a very important job of running a small community of anthropomorphic animals. i'm sort of a big deal, ok?